Being in the Now

Today, right now in this moment, you are ok. You are perfect in your imperfection, beautiful and fabulous just as you are. Are there things to work on, improve, stride towards? Absolutely! However, this path of life we are on is a journey with no end, not a destination. It is a process, and each moment has supreme merit. Right now, in this moment and for this moment, love yourself completely, exactly as you are, and embrace the wonder and beauty that is you! Perhaps tomorrow, next month, or next year, if God grants you those moments, the current you will be better and stronger and further along than you are right now. Until then, today and every breath it contains is a moment to stop and celebrate you, to embrace you, and to love you. For really, at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.

For today, allow yourself room to be exactly where you are. Sad or joyful, angry or calm, courageous or fearful: simply be in the moment as you are. Breathe into the feelings. Let them come and go, floating by as leaves might drift lazily past on a stream of cool, flowing water. Life without judgement is the truest path to freedom. Start today, right in this moment, with yourself. Without reservation, condemnation, or criticism. The time for change, release and growth will come. Yet for today, Be where you are. Be who you are. Simply be.