We all have the spark of life, creativity and courage within us to be all we wish and more. We CAN heal, we can rise above, we can be unlimited in our experience of life. I’ll sit with you through the looking glass, exploring shadow, pain and programming to help you create the blueprint for the life you always wanted.

I can help you unleash your highest potential and introduce you to your authentic self.

My single greatest purpose is to remind you who you are! I cannot think of a greater honor than to give you an experience of getting to know your true self. To shift from out there to in here, diving in and excavating to the very core of your being. What a joy my job is to pull back the layers that life, people, and the world have placed upon you to find this radically awesome soul shining at the center! Together we can rediscover that beautiful and unique soul and bring it back into the light.

We ALL have every right to be at peace within, to harness our power, talents and light to set the world on fire with our passion and gifts. Life may not be easy, and suffering is part of the journey, yet we all have power within us to create new ways of seeing. And that begins new pathways of being. Truth is perspective, and even subtle shifts in what we look at (and how) can open up entire new universes of thought. Today, we are new. We can excavate life “”after” all the junk that’s formed and shaped us, and in doing so stay present with new awareness and experiences of what now means. It’s the best feeling to harness who we are, stop fearing our dreams or desires or power, and take ownership of our lives. This doesn’t mean we don’t struggle, it just means we stay present and grounded in the flow, where healing is always happening and life is never stagnant.

Professional Bio

To tell you a little about me and my training, I am licensed in western and meridian/eastern reflexology and acupressure, a master level Usui reiki practitioner, and a certified hypnotherapist. I have completed extensive online and in person trainings/education in: crystal therapy, energy medicine, pendulum dowsing, Akashic record reading, past life regression (PLR) hypnosis, tarot and oracle readings and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping. I utilize each of these healing modalities when working with clients to promote healing at the highest levels. I would love to work with you, if you are ready to begin the healing process.

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