The work I do isn’t prediction based; although, we often look at the wisdom and energy surrounding upcoming life experiences as warranted. My true focus is on expanding to the bigger picture of past, present and future as a stream or flow of energy, learning and expansion. As we begin to process and excavate the people, places and things that influence us externally, we can begin to turn that awareness inward and truly embrace surrender. It’s in the flow that life unfolds without such resistance, pain, fear and dis-ease.

Being prepared is key. When clients come prepared for our sessions with two or three key/core issues or questions, we can pinpoint the focus of energy and thought, then see where it flows outward from those places.

At the core of most things that concern or challenge us, is a key component. I help identify those components, so we can address that issue directly. Underneath all the external, “real world” questions, are what I call the root questions: “Am I worthy? Am I allowed to choose what my life looks like? Will I be loved and supported in that process? Am I safe to be me?” I can help you find those answers and help you feel whole again.

Through our work together, your spirit guides and angels will be given the opportunity to communicate any messages that are important for you to hear at that time.

I also work with your higher self to help align you on your soul’s path, which can bring you more joy and abundance, as well as fulfillment. Loved ones who have passed on often come through with messages as well. During our sessions, we will uncover ties to past lives, which can pinpoint areas of resistance or wounds you struggle with in this life. Echoes from those past lives can be cleared to release trauma that was causing physical or emotional pain, blockages, and recurrent fears/phobias. Clearing the past can unlock new potential for your future and help open doors previously closed to you. I also work on removing stuck energy and balancing your chakras, so you feel more aligned and balanced.

Are you ready to get started?

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